ICF Church Bulletin 28 April 2024 - page 1/3

ICF Church Bulletin 28 April 2024 - page 2/3

ICF Church Bulletin 28 April 2024 - - page 3/3

Pastor’s weekly blog


When you go to weddings you may have heard the scripture reading from 1 Corinthians 13, commonly called the “Love Chapter”, in the Bible.  It is true that this chapter gives a great definition of love for all of us to observe and use in our marriages, but in reality this text was written for a greater reason.  For all of the gifts in the church body that help us function, they are most effective when we use them and operate within our love for others.  And this is not just any love, this is the “agape” love that God shows to us:  unconditional and undeserved love.  For the church it was shown to us in the death of Christ on the cross:  while we were still sinners, Christ died for us.  Now we are to have this same love for others, and not just anyone, but specifically for the church.  Yes it is important to love all people, but very important to have a deep and unconditional love for God’s people.  This helps us as we work within the body.  I demonstrate this love for you and others by taking action for you to help, to aid you in your gift and I do this not based on your personal merits.  I do this because you are my brother and sister in the body and I am to love you.  So let’s take a good look at what love is, and what love is not.  They say it makes the world go around...

We invite you to find a place to “plug in” here at

    ICF. Here are some of the ministry opportunities,

    and the contact people:

    •Music & Worship Team—see Sarath Koppolu

    •Tech/Media Team—see Alldrin Wilson

    •Ushers & Greeters—see Felicia Baah Arthur

    •Hospitality—see Angie Parmenter

    •Social Media—see Mauro Portela

    •Sunday School—see Prasanth Prabhu or Przemek